I. Introduction
1. Backgroud
In order to practise writing an analytical report, we chose “teenVOGUE” magazine because this magazine is easy to understand.
2. Thesis statement
We analyzed the whole aspects of teenVOGUE: the cover, table of contents of several matters, and the writing style on the articles and advertisements.
II. Body
· Point 1 : Cover
- We analyzed the cover girls and cover boys
- We analyzed the cover colours
- We analyzed the article titles tone
· Point 2 : Table of contents
- We analyzed the title of the articles
- We analyzed type of topic articles
· Point 3 : Writing Style and Advertisements
- We analyzed the language style on the magazine
- We analyzed the advertisements
III. Conclusion
· Summary
TeenVOGUE is a magazine for young girls which provide fashion style, beauty products, and celebrity issues.
· Recommendation
The advertisements should be decrease a little bit, and the message of the advertisements should be clear.
_______.(2007, ). Style Swap. teenVOGUE,
The cover of magazine is analyzed by Ai
The table of contents is analyzed by Dinar
The writing style in magazine is analyzed by Gina
teenVOGUE Magazine
In order to fulfil one of the essay writing assignments about writing an analytical report, we chose and analyzed three popular magazines for young girls called teenVOGUE, but they are different editions. This magazine is also published in some cities, such as New York, Boston, Tokyo, Jakarta, Copenhagen, etc. We found that, from the eye-cathing cover and the interesting articles. TeenVOGUE is a magazine that is designed for young girls, aged 15 to 18.
When we analyzed this magazine, we examined all of the aspects of the magazine by analyzing the cover, table of contents of several matters, and the writing style on the articles and advertisements. In analyzing this magazine we act as the readers.
First aspect, the whole covers in each edition have colourful designs, but they are not too bright and not too dark. Fonts, font sizes and colours are designed beautifully in order that the magazine cover becomes eye-catching to publish to the public. The article titles on the cover use a simple language which contains phrases and simple sentences. In addition, they have a curious tone. For examples, “ Get Fall’s Hottest Hair” (August 2010), “ 34 Dreamy Dresses at Every Price+Punky-Pretty Jewels and Bags”(April 2008), and “Juiced Up Accessories”(November 2007). Those words show curious feeling because you can feel them when you read at the first time. You will ask to your heart and think how you get fall’s hottest hair, what 34 dreamy dresses are, and how you can juice up accessories. Each magazine edition displays the most interesting point in fashion. For examples, November edition in 2007 discussed fashion for job, April edition in 2008 explained prom dress, and August edition in 2010 talked about denim and jeans. Moreover, the cover boys and cover girls show the cover story on the magazine which will be told in the content so far. The models look young, stylist and sophisticated. Their dressed up ways are like teenagers, aged 15-18. Consequently, this magazine is appropriate for senior high school students.
Second aspect that we were analyzed is about the table of contents. There are three pages that are not in a good order. The table of contents shows the focus of the magazine. It is about fashion for young girls. One of them is “how to recycle your old-clothes” and how to make it more fashionable and more confident when they wear it. For example, the title of the articles are “ fashion at Work:Trench lesson”, “Fit for a (prom) queen”, “Fashion in the family:Modern English”(April 2008). Beside the article about fashion, there are also several articles about health, environment, issues and horoscopes. These articles are supported by many beauty product advertisements and short stories. In addition, the models in the magazine are young celebrities.
Third aspect, the articles in teenVOGUE follow a pattern: short sentences, short paragraphs, and uncomplicated vocabulary. On the other words, the articles in this magazine are easy to comprehend, but in some articles the authors used informal or slang language. For example, “If you’re style-stavvy and looking to rejuvenate your wardrobe for next-to-nothing, you won’t wanna miss this mega clothing trade” (Style Swap, p. 44). Moreover, almost all of the articles only wrote 1 to 2 paragraphs. For example, in the cover story, “Rihanna Rocks,” Rihanna told about her traffic jam and lunch experiences to the reporter (p. 36). Additionally, there were so many advertisements about fashion and also beauty products for teenagers. The advertisements were packed with colourful designs, full of visual effects, eye-catching publication, and hyperbright graphics. Exactly, these kind of advertisements can attract the readers especially young girl; therefore, they want to read it and maybe they would like to buy it.

Furthermore, in analyzing teenVOGUE there are grammatical structures and tones on the articles. The grammatical structures that the magazine used was passive voice and simple past tense; moreover, the style of sentences used simple, compound, and complex sentences. This is one of the style sentence samples according to the article titled Summer College Interns, “Houston high schooler Michelle’s(far right) they long internship send her all over the office, where she helped out in the Beauty Entertainment departments” (p. 42). Almost all of the articles have joyful and fantastic tones. However, it just has a little bit gloomy and frustrated tones, such as on the article titled “My World”. Lisa as the author tells, “I started standing up to my friends when they labeled Indians as alcoholics or gang members” (p. 67). Another example on the same article is that she says, “Mahlia had died instantly. Willow broke her pelvis, and Daryl and I suffered severe head trauma” (p. 67). From the examples above without specifically saying, Lisa was sad. The author has conveyed this idea. “Died,” “broke,” “suffered,” and “trauma” carried out this feeling.
To sump up, teenVOGUE is a magazine for young girls which provides fashion style, beauty products and celebrity issues. To attract the readers, it is designed with colourful cover and pages, and it also has simple writing style in order to make the reader easier to comprehend the contents of magazine. However, we recommend that the magazine should decrease the advertisements and the message of the advertisements should be clear.